New Book Shares History of Maryville

Its pages feature rare photographs, quotes and narratives gathered from interviews with hundreds of Maryville community members.

To honor our rich history, Maryville announces the publication of a special coffee-table book, “Maryville University: 150+ Years.” The book is a visual history of Maryville from its beginnings as a small academy in the Dutchtown neighborhood of South St. Louis to a large, dynamic university in West St. Louis County.

Maryville unveiled the book at Homecoming 2021. The presentation and panel discussion featured Editor Marty Parkes; President Mark Lombardi, PhD; and Vice President for Community and Government Relations Laraine Davis, ’17. They shared behind-the-scenes insights and celebrated the personal stories behind Maryville’s significant 150-year milestone.

“Thank you to the hundreds of alumni, faculty, staff and students who shared their stories, memories and artifacts over the past three years,” Parkes said. “I hope readers have fun with this book and enjoy it. I encourage them to use it like a scrapbook; it doesn’t need to be something where you feel like you need to take a history exam at the end. It’s a story, and sometimes we get caught up in the facts and figures and forget about the people that are behind a story. So I hope the book celebrates them.”

Many may wonder why the book is entitled “150+.” The reason is simple. Built upon the amazing work and dedication of the last 150 years, Maryville is positioned for monumental growth and revolutionary leadership in the century ahead.

“We have to understand where we came from to understand where we’re going,” said President Lombardi. “Innovation is about a vision that we can do better and that we can do more. The Society of the Sacred Heart committed themselves to educating women and the underserved in St. Louis more than 200 years ago, and our commitment to those principles is still the same. We use different tools, we have different strategies, but it’s the same mission. It’s our responsibility to look ahead and continue to lead a renaissance in higher education.”

“Maryville University: 150+ Years” is available for purchase through The M Store. For more information, visit

“Maryville University: 150+ Years” Book Release – Highlight Video

“Maryville University: 150+ Years” Book Release – Full Program

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